Catholic College Men
Serving God, CountRy,
Notre Dame
Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council 1477
Proudly serving Notre Dame and the broader community since 1910
The first pillar of Knighthood, charity is at the heart of the Knights' mission. Council #1477 strives to fulfill this mission with multiple weekly service trips into the South Bend community.
A Catholic Hub at Notre Dame
Blessed with our building at the heart of Notre Dame's campus, Council #1477 works to provide a home for Catholics on campus to study, socialize, and serve in the local community.
Through building bonds grounded in faith, members of Council #1477 build life-long friendships with one another and are part of a brotherhood with members across the United States and abroad.
As a Catholic organization, the Knights works towards unity inside of the Catholic Church, especially by supporting the Congregation of Holy Cross.
Steak Sales
Through our Steak Sales fundraisers, first held in 1968, on Notre Dame football Saturdays, the Knights raise $60,000 - $100,000 net annually for local charities.
Like Knights across the world, Council #1477 strives to help its members be active, informed citizens advocating for good and for life in the public sphere.