
Paying dues is essential to remaining in good standing with the Knights of Columbus and allowing our local council to function effectively.  These dues cover the cost of your membership in the Knights of Columbus, making you a part of an international fraternal brotherhood. These dues also provide you with benefits including a subscription to Columbia and a basic accidental death life insurance policy. Your dues are also vital in the support of everyday council operations.

If you are unable to pay dues due to extenuating circumstances and you wish to retain your membership, please reach out to Grand Knight David Bender, Deputy Grand Knight Nicholas Holmes, or Development Officer Kevin Angell.

Dues Rates

Annual Membership Dues: $30.00
New Member Fee (Only Assessed Your First Year): $5.00

Available Payment Methods

Check (payable to Knights of Columbus, Co. 1477)
PayPal (including credit card, debit card, or PayPal balance)
Venmo (@ND-Knights)

Cash and Checks Can Be Mailed To:

Notre Dame Knights of Columbus, Council 1477
P.O.Box 73
Notre Dame, IN 46556