Welcome Home!
On behalf of Council #1477, welcome to Notre Dame. We are excited for you to join the Notre Dame community, and hopeful that you will explore what our Council has to offer. Council #1477 is located at the heart of Notre Dame’s campus in its own building, and offers amazing opportunities to engage in service, grow in your faith, meet other great Catholic guys, and have a lot of fun. For information about joining, or if you have any questions about life at ND, whether it’s about Welcome Weekend, classes, or anything else, please fill out this form, contact us at knights@nd.edu, or send us a text at 630-210-2089. You can also contact us on Facebook, or by contacting any of the officers listed on our website.
Please stop by our open houses on the Sunday and Monday of Welcome Weekend for free food, fraternal fun, and fantastic facts about our Council and Notre Dame. No RVSP is needed, there will be plenty of free food, and feel free to bring your friends!
Feel free to browse the website for information about our council and what we do.